November 8, 2011

Today, Wonkette reads my mind again

Poll Shows Republicans Still Think Cain Is Their Guy

Are We Really Going to Let This Happen??? The 1% Just Stacked the Encinitas City Council

As you may or may not know, my dad is a retired L.A. County Fire Captain, and I am very proud of him. More proud than if he was the richest man in the world. It, therefore, made me ill to read in the Coast News ( that our own Encinitas City Council made a political appointment to replace the beloved Maggie Houlihan, lately passed away after a long struggle with cancer.  The council appointed Fire Chief Mark Muir to the vacant council seat. While I have nothing against fire chiefs as a whole, Maggie Houlihan was a true representative of  the slow-growth environmental stewardship brand of Encinitan who elected her to multiple terms.  Mark Muir is not replacing her representation.  Sadly, the other faction of the council, Stocks and Bond, are development-friendly and they have been elected to multiple terms by what could be considered the 1%-ers in Encinitas.  Houlihan had been holding back the dyke, as it were, against over-development and with the council seat finally in their grasp, Stocks and Bond were able to appoint a like-minded individual to fill it. Mark Muir is not who Maggie Houlihan had in mind to fill her seat. Her dying wish was that UCSD Lecturer Lisa Shaffer fill the empty council seat. In an unbelievably crass and ugly power grab, the 1%-ers acted like their class and simply stole the representation of the voting bloc to give themselves a majority that will give them unfettered access to Encinitas's precious environment.

Where are the 99%-ers I have seen at the Occupy Encinitas actions?  Are we going to sit by and watch this happen?  This is 1% ugliness at its best.  They just TOOK OVER ENCINITAS!  Are we really going to let this happen?  How about some 99%-ers getting serious about this?  They're bringing it to us!

October 14, 2011

1964 Studebaker Cruiser

This is my new (old) car! It's going to need a lot of work, so if you know anyone who works on old cars, inside or out, I need referrals!  I need a good diagnostician and a hookup for upholstery, maybe a fuel pump, maybe a transmission, door panels, a dashboard, wheel alignment, etc, etc, etc...

And if you see me around town, honk!

September 10, 2011

IAFF Local 3787 salutes the fallen 343 of the NYFD

I'm so proud to live in Encinitas and so very proud of the Cardiff Kook today.

Encinitas Will Never Forget

August 23, 2011

Major Cardiff Kook

Yeah, I know. My neighbor was right. It was a huge thing they did to the Kook. No doubt. I didn't get down there to see it, though.  Blast!

Soooooo, I moved

to the next building and it took all this time to get settled. It's been almost 2 weeks.  I had trouble with Time Warner, too. I was watching the Charger game and this guy knocks on the door. He says he's looking for George, the last guy who lived here. I said he moved. The guy said thanks and left and the next thing I know, my tv goes off. In the middle of the Charger game. So I call Time Warner and make a payment. That wasn't the problem. But they're not open so I have to READ for the rest of the night.

Then I call the next day and they send a guy out to turn the thing back on. Apparently, when someone moves, they have to physically turn off the cable and then turn it back on in the name of the new person. Whatever. I think the guy who turned it off was a Raider fan because he was laughing when he left.


August 8, 2011

I am still laughing

On Weirdest UFO Stories today: 

The narrator, who is British (of course. Why is that?), recites the tale of the great mind that posited the theory that ancient aliens built the Great Pyramids. The stones each weighed about 80 tons and came from hundreds of miles away before the invention of the wheel.  This meant that the only way to get the stones to Giza was for great numbers of men to drag them. The alternative theory that it would take some other-worldly force to accomplish the task is more plausible to the theorist and it sounds reasonable to me.

The problem with the theory is that carved on the pyramids are pictures of arrays of men with ropes dragging large things like statues.  The narrator points out that there are no aliens in the pictures unless they are cunningly dressed as ancient Egyptians.

August 7, 2011

Old Guys Rule!

Kelly Slater is grinding it out at the U.S. Open in Huntington Beach.  It was called the O.P. Pro when I was in my 20s, but they had a riot when the bathing suit competition's contestants started to strip and I guess they had to distance themselves from that checkered past. Oh well.

Anywho, Kelly Slater, who is 39, was winning as of yesterday!  Righteous!

August 2, 2011


My oldest brother, Steven, came to visit on his way home to Florida from Hawaii. I took him to Besta Wan. Mallory met me in the parking lot with a Stone IPA. Hermana!
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August 1, 2011

Hummingbird Fights

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Ever Tried Kiva Microlending?

If you want to make a real difference in a third-world country for people who are trying to help themselves out of poverty, please consider lending as little as $25 through the Kiva organization. I have been working with them for several years and I have been able to continue charitable giving throughout my own personal economic downturn. It's that painless and that gratifying.

Here's an invitation:

Thanks for considering joining this excellent organization!

July 27, 2011

Results of the 2011 California Firefighter Olympics

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I am pretty sure I heard on the radio that the Encinitas firefighters won the gold medal in the surf competition.

In any case, I am so going to be there next year! Sounds soooo fun!

July 26, 2011

I Got The Tea

I got all of the tea and I will be organizing and cataloging the ingredients. I will be selling custom mixes in September. If you have a flavor you like, email me and I'll mix it for you!


I just drove down to 101 and I saw the guy who made the Kook!  I heard that he is going to refurbish it because it has been damaged by people climbing on it to dress it.

Should I get my picture taken with him? I wonder how he would treat me if I asked?

July 25, 2011

Has Man's Reach Exceeded His Grasp?

Was the design for the ComiCon Kook so huge that they couldn't pull it off? I haven't been by this morning but unless a pretty pointless design is up now that everyone is gone, it's really too bad.

In any case, I had a blast at Besta Wan on Saturday. An epic set on the juke box. I'm going to start posting my sets here. Fun!

I have to give the Fiat back today. For those of you who saw it around town, no, I don't know what kind of gas mileage it gets. Really good. That's all I can say. I'm an English major.

July 21, 2011

Another gorgeous day

The beach is windy, but sunny and mild.

The Kook is wearing a lovely ensemble of grass skirt, lots and lots of leis, some shades and some poi balls hanging from his right arm.  A respectable effort.

I saw a blue helicopter with white pontoons flying up into Rancho Santa Fe last night. Someone dropping in for ComiCon. I think it was Francis Ford Coppola. He probably has a place back in there somewhere.

Encinitas has its first really trendy restaurant:  Union. It's where When In Rome used to be.
The Highlands parking lot in Del Mar is being repaved and it's a mess on a good day, so don't even go there today.

July 20, 2011

This is What I Care About

Pro Skaters and gardening.

And since this is Encinitas, after all, where you can grow anything, you might as well do the right thing and grow some food, dude.

The Kook is Naked!

Maybe I am right:  today is Opening Day at the Del Mar Race Track and the Kook is naked!  The big set piece may not be honor of the races, like my source claimed, since it's opening day and the Kook is naked.  I rather think it is in honor of ComiCon, which doesn't start until tomorrow.

But, most of the time, the Kook is dressed on Friday night because the City won't dispatch anyone to undress him until Monday morning.

I don't know. She could be right. What do you think?

July 19, 2011

The Celebrity Panel Rundown

Here's the most important info (to me) about ComiCon, which starts Thursday!

Derek Thomas is Coming Home!

I just started going to mass at St. John the Evangelist on Encinitas Blvd. and the congregation prayed for him every Sunday. When the priest mentioned him, I didn't know who he was, but I prayed anyway.

Stoked to find out who he is and that our prayers for him were answered. It really is a miracle!  It's going to be a trip when he comes back to St. John's!

July 17, 2011

Inside Scoop on the Kook

I have it on verrrry good authority that the set piece for the Kook this year is going to be HUGE!

I thought that the big papier-mache constructions were made in honor of ComiCon, but my source says that they have been done by the same guy every year and he does them in honor of the start of race season. They do start around the same time, so I have to take her word for it. She says she was invited to help! I'm so jealous..

This was 25th Anniversary Oprah Kook.
Can't wait to see the next big show-stopper!

July 15, 2011

Welcome to my Blog!

I'd like to share with everyone what I think is awesome about Encinitas. I have been living here for the past 12 years, and I've been visiting here all my life.

I want to share the things about Encinitas, and the San Diego area, that are interesting to me and that I think would interest you. 

I like to have fun, and there are some local recommendations I can make if you're planning a trip here.

I'm also including local news that interests me, in case you're not here but you miss it.

So, above all, enjoy the page, enjoy Encinitas, and have a bitchen summer!